The Best of Down Goes Brown (Wiley)
A Potential Antidote To NHL Withdrawal Syndrome:
If when playing a word association game and someone brings up Sean McIndoe, you're first response is 'Who?', you would not be alone. Bring up Down Goes Brown, however, and a hockey fan is sure to smile. McIndoe is the mastermind behind the most hilarious hockey blog on the planet and he now has a collection of his best work – new and old. I will let Wiley, the publisher, tell you more about the book below. Before getting to that, though, I thought I'd share a hat-trick of observations I surmised after reading the book.
- How are Mats Sundin and Down Goes Brown alike? The recent Hockey Hall of Fame inductee averaged a point-per-game during his tremendous NHL career. Down Goes Brown, in his book, averages one laugh out loud moment per page.
- How are Paul Bisonnette and Sean McIndoe alike? You are more likely to recognize both by their aliases ' BizNasty and Down Goes Brown, respectfully.
- Don't be surprised to see McIndoe running CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service – Canada’s version of the CIA, or at least that’s what Canadian’s are lead to believe) one of these days; his network of spies infiltrating NHL head offices is very impressive.
All in all, McIndoe accomplishes what he sets out to do ' entertain the reader in the most humourous way possible.
Worth Retweeting:
The Best Of DGB: The book that will land you on a TSA watch list.
— Down Goes Brown (@DownGoesBrown) October 28, 2012
Interview With The Author:
- Kukla’s Korner
What Others Are Saying:
“With his pointed playfulness, eye for the absurd, and smart, silly layers of punchlines and punditry, Down Goes Brown is like a puck-loving version of The Daily Show.”
' Katie Baker, Grantland
The Beauty Status provides 12 reasons why you should read The Best of DGB
Five Minutes For Fighting blog gives some mighty praise:
“Really, if you haven’t already been reading Down Goes Brown you need to start immediately. He’s razor-sharp, which is painfully clear when reading the jokes he comes up with on Twitter mere seconds after something happens.”
From The Publisher - Wiley:
Canadians take their hockey seriously. This is obvious from our wall-to-wall, 24/7 coverage of not only the actual hockey games, but also the immense media focus placed on player contracts, junior-league prodigies, labour negotiations, officiating discrepancies, franchise relocation, and anything else even tangentially involved with 'Canada's Game.' Luckily for us, Sean McIndoe'known in the hockey world as Down Goes Brown, his website's namesake'has come along to add some humour to our beloved national discourse.
Sean McIndoe is widely acknowledged as the funniest writer in hockey. His new book, TheBest of Down Goes Brown (Wiley; September 2012; Paper; $19.95), compiles some of his blog's best-loved posts, along with a host of all-new content. With forewords written by two of hockey's most respected journalists, James Duthie and Bob McKenzie, this book cements McIndoe's place within the upper-echelon of the national hockey conversation.
In The Best of Down Goes Brown, McIndoe sheds traditional formalities and solemnity in favour of a humorous, fan-first perspective that will resonate with hockey-lovers. He is available for interview and can further discuss the thoughts behind many of the book's hilarious highlights, including:
- The NHL's Top Secret Flowchart for Determining Suspensions;
- A Complete Transcript of Every NHL Game Ever Broadcast;
- The Code: A Hockey Enforcer's Unwritten Rules Revealed;
- What an Official NHL Trade Call Really Sounds Like;
- Commisioner Gary Bettman's 1993 Job Application Form;
- A look back at the careers of NHL stars such as Wayne Gretzky, Teemu Selanne and Mats Sundin;
- and many more!
The Best of Down Goes Brown is the ultimate anthology of the very funniest writing from the world's best hockey humour blog.
About the Author
Sean McIndoe is the funniest writer in hockey. A pioneering blogger in the world of hockey humor, he grew Down Goes Brown from nothing in 2008 to the world’s biggest and best hockey humor blog. Today Down Goes Brown is one of the most popular hockey blogs in the world (funny or not). Sean is also one of the only bloggers in Canada to successfully make the move to mainstream media; some of his posts are published by the National Post, both in print and online. He posts regularly on Grantland (one of North America’s most-read sports websites), and he is often quoted by, or a guest on, outlets such as NHL “Home Ice” satellite radio network, TSN, CBC, Sportsnet, The Score, and TVO.
The Origins – The Video Behind The Name of DGB:
This article was originally published at: The Hockey Writers.
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